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  • Jerocinea

Profile on Humanities Senior Gregg Sanchez

Updated: Apr 9

Ah, senior year… A wonderful time to scramble to complete your college apps and think about what video game you want to be a professional at. Okay, some of us have our future set, and some don’t. That is fine. For me, I love journalism, and I would like to continue writing articles in college. Speaking of articles, why don’t we get to this one? :-)

For this article, I interviewed someone, but not just anyone. He is one of the more recognizable students in Hami: Gregg Sanchez. I noticed how reticent and introverted he has been in the last few months, so when I offered him an interview, he accepted without hesitation. I guess the old fella desperately wanted to be interviewed. Maybe he just likes being interviewed? IDK ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ For reference, all my questions and comments are in bold. We started with a few icebreakers.

Q: What is the best sandwich?

“No comment… I mean, why should we compare sandwiches to each other? As long as it tastes good, and it doesn’t upset my stomach, I’ll have it.”

Q: What is the scariest animal in the world?

“Same answer.” “Are all of these answers going to be ‘no comment’?” I asked through some giggles. “Maybe?” he shrugged. *Sigh*

Q: “Messi or Ronaldo?”

“Messi. He just helped his team win their third title.”

Q: “Man City or Man United?”


Q: “Best Premier League Team?”

“Wolves! They are the underwolves!!”

Q: “Pineapple on pizza?”

“Yes! It’s a thing!” “Good choice, my friend!” I gleefully replied while high-fiving him.

Q: “Okay, buddy. Next one: is water wet?”

He seemed smug. “To anyone who says that water isn’t wet, it’s basic science! Water is wet!” We both burst into laughter.

A little meme I created.

After a long silence, we continued on with the first topic: The Vitruvian.

Q: How long have you been with the Vitruvian, and what have you done for the paper?

“I have been with the Vitruvian for 3 years. My first year was exploring and finding my favorite job. My second year, I only submitted artwork cuz I had a ton of work that year. This year, I am taking graphic design and animation, and I decided that I loved to do artwork for the paper, so I stuck with that job. The art I now submit usually comes from either class, but mostly graphic design. My favorite job, however, was being the paperboy *chuckles*, since I am always running about promoting new issues. Overall, I have enjoyed my tenure here.”

Q: What kind of articles have you written?

“Yeah so in 2020, I wrote an article for almost every one of the five issues. Two were on nuclear treaties between the US and Russia. However, no one paid much attention to those articles. So I veered towards school-wide stuff and profiled Dr. Llamas and Ms. M. Sadly, Doc’s profile is very controversial, as I have had requests for his profile to be taken down just because it seems biased. I will not. Free press. After Ms. M’s profile, we published issue five, and the school year was over, though people still did not want me to write more ‘biased’ profiles. C’mon! All I am doing is reporting the facts. The one opinion I wrote was on my time during the pandemic, and the final article I authored was a tribute to Black Lives Matter.” “Wow, very nice!” “Thank you.”

Q: Aside from articles and art, did you have any other positions?

“Yeah. I submitted two crosswords, edited an article, and was a layout designer.” "Cool."

Q: Last year, someone wrote anonymous opinions on being introverted and their thoughts on the senior class. Was it you?

From the looks on his frustrated face, I could tell this was distressing for him. “Why would I accuse my friends of “teacherism” and being bullies? I would NOT do that! *sighs* Sorry about that…” “It’s okay. We can skip this question.” “Thanks. But, for the record, it was NOT me.”

He seemed very troubled, so we took a quick sec. I then moved on to the last of the Vitruvian questions: my article on wolves.

Q: You have put yourself out there as a wolf lover, and the Vitruvian recently published my article on wolves. Have people claimed you as the writer and not me? If so, how do you feel?

“First off, sorry for the lack of credit people are giving you.” “Thanks.” I happily replied. “Second, yeah. My friends are certain it was me cuz I love wolves and are sure it’s just me under a pen name. I think it’s just coincidental that both your article and my wolf artwork appeared in the same issue. Sure, I love wolves and work for the paper, but that doesn’t mean I wrote that article. Listen: you are not Velma or Sherlock Holmes. *chuckles* There is no mystery to solve!”

After discussing The Vitruvian, we chatted about wolves and furries. Why? Some have their suspicions, as far as I know. At least for the latter.

Q: I am curious. How long have you loved wolves?

“Since I was 10. I used to be afraid of wolves back then, but that was because I heard a lot of negative stuff about them. It wasn’t until one TV show that helped me open up to these creatures: Wild Kratts.” I immediately gasped in nostalgia. “Oh my gosh, I loved that show!” “Yeah! So it all started with the ‘Little Howler’ episode. I found the wolf pup sooo cute, and the Kratt Brothers did a marvelous job breaking the stigma around wolves. Starting in lockdown, I read a handful of the Sonic the Hedgehog Archie Comics. The number of wolves and dragons they had throughout the series was amazing. And, here we are today: a literal lone wolf *chuckles*. If I had to pick a couple of my favorite wolf characters, I’d say Little Howler [Wild Kratts], Lupe [Sonic Archie Comics], Gadget [Sonic Forces], and Whisper [Sonic IDW comics]” “Wow!”

Little Howler (♡ヮ♡)

Q: What about dragons? What’s the deal there? “For mythical creatures, dragons are remarkable. I would say it’s because of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and the Archie Comics that made me love these animals even more. Dulcy from the comics is a stellar dragon, and honestly, she would be my ideal roommate. Her fire and ice abilities, honesty, and truthfulness, combined with my sense of adventure and introverted personality, is… *chef's kiss* magnifique! And then there’s Spike. Since episode 1, I feel like we complement each other in terms of child-like sense of wonder and personalities.” As a fellow dragon lover myself, I couldn’t help but let out a small dragon roar. “Aw! So cute!” “Thanks…” I sheepishly replied while blushing a bit. For a teen, he definitely has a soft side.

Q: Next question. Did you know that wolves and dragons are, according to FurScience, the most popular fursona species?

“Really? Huh… What’s a fursona?”

Q: That actually leads to my next question. People suppose you are a furry because you tremendously love dragons and wolves. Is this true? *sigh* This was not gonna end well. “what in the IKEA autumn, flying, Cinnamon Toast, Chicken MCHAIL!!!!” A minute later… “I am very sorry. I should not have lost my temper.” “It’s ok. Furries are controversial. But hey, you have made your point.” “Yeah. But for the record: I am NOT a furry!”

We veered away from animals to discuss college-related topics. When word broke out that Mr. Sanchez got into MIT, boy, was I excited.

Q: Congratulations on getting into MIT! That is a remarkable achievement that owes an explanation. How did you craft that perfect application?

“First off, thank you so much! That was truly an early Christmas present! I think most of us believe grades are crucial when it comes to college. And they are. You want to show these schools you can succeed in their academic environments. That is why you have AP courses, the SAT and ACT, and dual enrollment courses you can take. Definitely challenge yourself, but make sure you complete your grad requirements while you are at it.

While academics are essential, they are not the only component of your application. Universities take a holistic approach to your application, i.e., they will look at every part of your application equally. So show them variety. Colleges always love you succeeding in your academic environment. In addition, if you are a member of your school newspaper and robotics team, volunteer at your local animal shelter, and earn various honors throughout high school, you have significantly amped up your admissions chances. The secret to great letters of rec? Ask teachers who know you well, ask early, and provide them your brag sheet! What is the icing on the cake? Your outstanding essays!

Q: Essays... Right, so next question. How to craft perfect essays? Embrace your voice. Yeah, this is college, but include your unique perspective and voice. That is much better than something too generic or formal. Do not spam your essay with SAT words. Rather, include something in your native tongue! Once essay prompts are out, start brainstorming. That’s another thing: start early! You will be less stressed if you do so. Now, I know procrastination is a pain… But if you set a deadline for yourself, college apps will become less stressful. Finally, make sure you get someone to review your essays. No, friends do not count. If they are writing essays as well, how can you trust them to give you good feedback on your terrible writing either way?” “YO! Calm down!” I gasped through some laughter. “Kidding. But really, though, get your English teacher or counselor to review your essays. Bonus: many schools will have similar essay prompts, so REUSE YOUR ESSAYS!”

Q: Gotcha! So, many students do not even apply to Ivy or Ivy+ schools because they think such schools are unattainable. Can you debunk some common misconceptions about these colleges?

“Yeah! For those who do not know, Ivy+ schools are smaller, but just as prestigious, colleges that are not Ivy League Schools. These are colleges like Amherst, UChicago, and Harvey Mudd. You might think, ‘I can never get into Harvard or MIT.’ YES YOU CAN! Do not let the low acceptance rates get to you! If you follow the above application tips, you are gonna stand out to thousands of applicants! I mean it! Plus, you might think that a Yale education is too expensive. Many of these schools have stupendous financial aid programs. If your income is below a certain income threshold, you can get from full tuition to even a full ride! Plus, many schools are test-optional, so if you do not want to submit your 400 on the SAT, your 1 on the ACT, or your 0 on the AP World History Exam, *chuckles* (“*groans*”), you do not have to submit them! So in short, private schools are reachable!!!”

Q: Amazing! So, do you think you will commit to MIT?

“It is very promising! I got a ton of financial aid, and I would love to travel to Massachusetts! For now, I will wait for more decisions and see what they will bring to the table.” “Keep us posted!” “Of course!”

MIT Campus

Next came the tough questions. “For these questions, share as much as you want.” “Okay.” he nodded.

Q: Do you feel as if you are controversial here?

“*sighs* I will be honest: sometimes. Some have criticized me for not liking Hami or for being too reticent with others. I want to elaborate on that. A) I am an introvert, so I value my alone time. If I’m bothered during my special time, no duh, I'm not happy. B) It’s not that I despise Hamilton. I just don’t have the apparel or accessories to celebrate our school. C) Debates. I feel like as a student in the Humanities, I should embrace the liberal arts and learn to debate well, but my ideas keep getting devalued. In government, we discussed Prop 31, and… *sighs* Like, I get that it has its cons… But if I have my pro-Prop 31 ideas, then just accept that!” He buried his face into his hands. That was enough. “Would you like a hug?” He nodded. “I’m sorry…” “It’s okay.” I whispered. “Thank you.” he quietly responded.

Q: I was gonna ask about valedictorian, but are you still comfortable talking about it?

“I am. So… word has spread that I am valedictorian, but let me clear up some things. A) That was in September. Five months ago. B) I never meant for that to spread about. A valid excuse for that is that we’re teens? I don’t think so. C) Why is this the only reason you know me? Did you know I am a music producer? No. Have you guys asked about where I go during the summer? No, cuz you assume I stay home and do calculus all day. Have you read any of my short stories? Probably not cuz you do not even know that I am a writer. Vocês sabiam que eu falo português? Acho que não! não, Não, NÃO! *slams fist on the table* I am not another number, but that is how everyone remembers me. I get it. College apps. Listen: do not be a non-holistic reviewer. Now, I do not mind becoming valedictorian, but I am absolutely chill with being in the top 1%. The top 1% and 5% are just as important. There are many unsung heroes at our school. Like you, Jerocinea.” “Aw… Thank you!” Never have I been flattered as such before.

Q: So you do not care about being valedictorian? “If I do earn this title, I’m gonna be happy. But what I do not like is people asking what I will say in my valedictorian speech when I am not valedictorian.” “Fair enough.”

We all await graduation…

Q: Let’s wrap up with two questions. One: what advice do you have for Hami students?

“Live your life and take advantage of your resources. You want to succeed and walk the stage in June. If there are opportunities that aid your success, take them! But also, take care of yourself. Go for walks, draw, sing, talk to someone you trust, and so on.”

Q: Wonderful! So, my final question is this: what are ya up to after AP Exams, graduation, and this summer break?

“I am considering whether to go to Prom. I have to see if anything important comes up that night. In the summer, I will be out of state.” “Oh wow! Where are you going?” “That is a secret for now.” “Ok.”

“Well, this was a wonderful interview, and I really enjoyed my time here.” “Wonderful. By the way, you have that collage and poster ready, right?” “Yep!” “Great! Good luck!” “Thank you!”

He’s a really chill guy once you get to know him.

That’s all for now. Keep calm and howl on!


1 Comment

Gregg Sanchez
Gregg Sanchez
Feb 24, 2023

Hi everyone, it's Gregg. I just want to clarify something from this interview. It's not that I feel as if my ideas were devalued or anything like that. I just felt like a lone wolf when it came to them, but in a bad way, since no one really agreed with them. I don't feel like that anymore, the Humanities Magnet has helped me realize the value and uniqueness of them. I didn't mean to offend anyone, and if I did, I apologize. Thanks for reading!

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